Tombstone Tuesday: Valentine’s Edition

Note: Instead of posting this yesterday on actual Valentine's Day I forgot and spent it with my husband. So, here is Tombstone Tuesday...ehh...I'll have to call it  Waiting to Find the Dead Wednesday. It's not every year that Tombstone Tuesday falls on a holiday and even rarer that it falls on a holiday that is... Continue Reading →

Tombstone Tuesday: Females First

Every single week here at The Hipster Historian we follow the blog prompt Tombstone Tuesday (originating from Genabloggers) and we've really enjoyed it -- see the past two weeks here and here. Why females? Most of the time when you find headstones, it tends to downplay the significance of the females in these worlds until... Continue Reading →

Tombstone Tuesday: Military (US) Edition

Tombstone Tuesday has quickly become my favorite genealogy prompt from the Geneablogger with Thomas MacAntee. Last week it was the first edition. I'm a sucker for cemeteries (I have well over 500+ photos of gravestones on my hard drive right now). Each week of Tombstone Tuesday, I'm going to feature different stories, ideas or facts about cemeteries,... Continue Reading →

Tombstone Tuesday: First Edition

I was so excited to see the Tombstone Tuesday writing prompt from GeneaBloggers and have decided to make it a permanent feature here at The Hipster Historian. Why? I love cemeteries. I visit one at least once a week and try to take as many pictures as I can both for photography practice (see here) and... Continue Reading →

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